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Evaluation test #14583/2017

Histologically, the main lesion is:
Granulomas in the small intestine, mainly ileum.
An ulcerative injury in the lung.
Erosive processes in the esophagus.
Scarce lesions with intranuclear inclusion bodies.

The histological appearance of paratuberculosis is characterized by:
Absence of inflammation, with numerous foci of necrosis.
The inflammatory response is characterized by a suppurative enteritis in which there is no component of macrophages and giant cells.
It is common to observe a mixed inflammatory infiltrate, composed of lymphocytes, plasma cells, macrophages and Langhans giant cells.
It is common to observe inclusion bodies in the cytoplasm of macrophages and giant multinucleated Langhans cells.

La paratuberculosis:
In the pulmonary form, granulomatous pneumonia is common.
Serious zoonotic disease that never causes macroscopic lesions in goats.
The thickening of the ileal mucosa, with a cerebral aspect, is one of the most characteristic macroscopic lesions.
Little contagious disease that affects individual animals in a herd.

Upon necropsy in the countryside:
Only the most affected organ should be sampled.
The samples should be kept frozen to preserve the tissue better for histopathological study.
The samples obtained at necropsy for histopathology should be preserved in 10% formaldehyde in a volume of 1:10.
The tissues in formaldehyde should be kept refrigerated and in glass containers.

Clinically bovine showing "papo" (submandibular edema), wasting, diarrhea and edema in declining areas is typical of:
Mucosal Disease (BVD/MD).
Losing enteropathies of proteins following chronic enteritis.

Microscopical diagnosis of paratuberculosis can be confirmed:
With immunohistochemistry for the detection of intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies.
Silver staining is specific for the wall of the bacilli.
Ziehl-Neelsen staining reveals the pink bacilli, mainly in the cytoplasm of macrophages and giant cells.
Con tinciones para la pared celular de los macrófagos, como Tricrómico de Masson.