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Pathology Live! project Workgroup

Pathology LIVE! is integrated by a multidisciplinary team of VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre of Universidad Complutense Madrid.


Antonio Manuel Rodríguez Bertos

Antonio Manuel Rodríguez Bertos

Pathologist, DVM, PhD.
Head of Pathology LIVE! Project

Head of Unit
Pathology and Forensic Veterinary Medicine Unit
VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre
Universidad Complutense Madrid

Associate Professor
Departamento de Medicina y Cirugía Animal
Faculy of Veterinary Medicine
Universidad Complutense Madrid

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Lucas José Domínguez Rodríguez

Lucas José Domínguez Rodríguez

Microbiologist, DVM, PhD.

Director of Research Group
VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre
Universidad Complutense Madrid

Full Professor
Departamento de Sanidad Animal
Faculy of Veterinary Medicine
Universidad Complutense Madrid

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Joaquín Goyache Goñi

Joaquín Goyache Goñi

Microbiologist, DVM, PhD.

Servicio de Inmunología Viral y Medicina Preventiva
VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre
Universidad Complutense Madrid

Full Professor
Departamento de Sanidad Animal
Faculy of Veterinary Medicine
Universidad Complutense Madrid

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Beatríz Romero Martínez

Beatriz Romero Martínez

Biologist, phD.

VISAVET Deputy Director
Project Management, Human Resources and Teaching Subdirection
VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre
Universidad Complutense Madrid

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Sergio González Domínguez

Sergio González Domínguez

Scientific disseminator, DVM.

Head of Unit
Information Technology and Communication Unit
VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre
Universidad Complutense Madrid

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Francisco José Mayoral Alegre

Francisco José Mayoral Alegre

Pathologist, DVM.

Pathology and Forensic Veterinary Medicine Unit
VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre
Universidad Complutense Madrid


Ana Irene Tomé Sánchez

Ana Irene Tomé Sánchez

Pathologist, DVM.

Pathology and Forensic Veterinary Medicine Unit
VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre
Universidad Complutense Madrid

Agustín Rebollada Merino

Agustín Rebollada Merino

Pathologist, DVM.

Pathology and Forensic Veterinary Medicine Unit
VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre
Universidad Complutense Madrid

Sonia Cruz Clemente

Sonia Cruz Clemente

Pathology Technician

Head of Laboratory
Pathology and Forensic Veterinary Medicine Unit
VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre
Universidad Complutense Madrid

Gabriela Luz Torre Cama

Gabriela Luz Torre Cama

Pathology Technician

Pathology and Forensic Veterinary Medicine Unit
VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre
Universidad Complutense Madrid

Carlos Ancochea Nodal

Carlos Ancochea Nodal

IT Technician

Information Technology and Communication Unit
VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre
Universidad Complutense Madrid

Javier Hernández Carrillo

Javier Hernández Carrillo

IT Technician

Information Technology and Communication Unit
VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre
Universidad Complutense Madrid