Histological study #19832/2017
Normal histological appearance of stomach was is lost. In the mucosa, there is a cell proliferation that extends towards the lamina propria, and submucosa and muscular layers. The growth pattern is infiltrative, the tumor is poorly delimited and non-encapsulated, and there is a moderate amount of stroma consisting of mature connective tissue (fibroplasia). Tumoral cells displayed a marked pleomorphism and anisocariosis.
The cells are large, round and well defined, with a broad cytoplasm composed by a transparent vacuole with eosinophilic, acellular and homogeneous content (mucus) (signet ring cells). The nucleus is flat, eccentric, and is hyperbasophilic. Nucleoli is multiple and evidence. The number of mitoses is high (more than 5 mitosis mean per field/HPM).
The duodenal mucosa was thicking due to moderate accumulation of inflammatory cells, main lymphocytes and plasma cells, in villi and lamina propia and, moreover the epithelial hyperplasia of crypts with mucous material. As in the mucosa as in the rest of layers (submucosa, muscular and serosa layers) observe marked dilatation of lymphatic vessels with neoplastic emboli.